Clean Sweep Details

Clean Sweep is a linear third-person-shooter with an emphasis on challenging firefights. The goal of the game is to clear a large facility overrun by hostiles and rescue hostages.

The player takes on the role of a combat specialist tasked with eliminating all threats and securing sensitive data and technology. Starting outside the building, the player must infiltrate the facility and fight their way through various sections and free any hostages held captive.


Carlson Robotics is under attack. Security footage was uploaded to their server, but it has since been scrubbed. Intelligence reports a strong likelihood that the group responsible goes by the name of Black Iron.
They consist mostly of mercenaries with advanced military training, but there’s evidence the group also employs black hats and other technologists. Carlson is a military contractor— an absolute treasure trove of sensitive data.
There’s no other way to put it, it’ll get dirty. Eliminate all hostiles and rescue the hostages as soon as possible… every minute is a secret spilled.

Exploding Enemy Type

This highlights an exploding enemy type, designed to get as close to the player as possible before self-detonating and causing area damage. The enemy is especially dangerous if the player allows it to get within range of detonating.

This demo showcases a basic setpiece designed to raise tension and highlight the danger of the situation before the player enters the first combat encounter.

Setpiece Prototyping